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Journal - 2002

December 19, 2002

Dear Friends, family and postal inspectors,

The Lichty household is doing great.everyone is busy at their work and a little time for play.

Lauren is home for the break.due back at Illinois in late January. She's done remarkably well at her academics and has made the decision to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology. She has figured out a way to keep real busy over the next few years. She is an activist for women's rights and spends some time working with abused children. We are quite proud of her accomplishments. She's made the Dean's List twice now at Illinois . Her choices for grad school include NYU, DePaul , Wisconsin , University of Illinois , Illinois Chicago Circle, and Michigan State . She does fret a lot about not getting into any school so say a little prayer for her to stop worrying.

Chad continues as a motion capture/video game expert at Red Eye Studios. They are in the process of building new and challenging games .he's quite proud of the fact that he contributes to the realism! He's thrilled about a house he just bought in Elgin .only ten minutes from work. He will move out of our home and into his home right after Christmas. We are looking forward to watching the process. So far no boxes have been packed! He also acquired a dog recently, a runaway that we named Buddy. Also acquired recently are a new truck, and a new wakeboarding boat. Oh to be young again!

Barb & Brett continue in their exciting jobs. Barb is really busy in her spare time her four really great friends (yes they are all female), with books and books on tape.she usually has two or three books in progress. In addition, she continues to try to train Brett to do some of the home chores since he's quite inept at most of them, also very resistant to get in touch with his female side.

Brett has been very busy over the last year working on a racecar with a friend. The summer was spent at the garage or at the track.unfortunately the driver was seriously injured in Boone , Iowa . We are really pleased that we don't have enough money to support a race car.otherwise you know Brett would do that!

All in all, the Lichty's are really thankful for all our blessings. It will be interesting to see how we fair with no children at home. Trust that our little dog will be very spoiled.

Love to you all.

Happy Holidays and/or Merry Christmas!

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